Monthly Archives for August 2011

I Still Just Don’t Know

I’m walking through and processing through a lot right now about life, ministry, church and how that all fits together. I’m trying to do this with a lot of prayer and talking things through with Wes snapchat downloaden. I think … Continue reading

22. August 2011 by Sarah
Categories: Thinking | Comments Off on I Still Just Don’t Know

Ruby Chomps An Animal

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20. August 2011 by Sarah
Categories: Around the House | 1 comment

Beautiful Girls

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16. August 2011 by Sarah
Categories: baby | Comments Off on Beautiful Girls

The Help

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15. August 2011 by Sarah
Categories: Thinking | Comments Off on The Help


It’s no secret to anyone around me much since January, I am addicted to Zumba. I truly love and enjoy it. It’s help me outlet my frustration and keep my number of “down” days infrequent klingeltöne für android kostenlos downloaden. … Continue reading

07. August 2011 by Sarah
Categories: General News | Comments Off on Zumba!!!!!!

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