Monthly Archives for February 2011
Self Portraits
So the other day while Ruby was having her Valentine’s photo shoot, I noticed the light coming in through our storm door would be perfect to use to try to take some photos of myself minecraft nintendo 3ds kostenlos downloaden. … Continue reading
Growing Old is Getting Old
monopoly für pc kostenlos downloaden deutsch I now take 5 vitamins. FIVE! I also make a funny groan noise when I get up from bed or after sitting for a long period of time. Not always, but enough to think … Continue reading
Happy Valentine’s Day
Download airdrop mac In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. – 1 John 4:9 Wes and I have some couple-y … Continue reading
It’s Always Something
I had a pretty down day today. There’s not really a reason why, but the feeling is just there. This weight bearing down on me. I really hate days like this but am grateful I am taking the steps that … Continue reading
Shopping is SO FUN sometimes!
I had the chance to (literally) pop in and out of a favorite consignment store of mine today, Shoppe 3130. I had my eye on a few of their vintage items and even found a great Converse One Star sleeveless … Continue reading