Hotdog Bun Garlic Bread

Craving garlic bread to go with your boring old spaghetti alben herunterladen spotify? Grab some hotdog buns and create this classic masterpiece.

Hotdog Bun Garlic Bread
Hotdog buns, margarine (or Butter) and garlic salt

1 airbnb. Open bun and tear in half
2. Spread margarine onto the now open section of both sides of the bun
3. Sprinkle garlic salt to taste
4 luminar 4. Place in oven on Lo Broil setting
5. Heat until edges are brown
6. Arrange on plate of spaghetti for a very classy presentation

Subtext: This blog post is written in response to the self-inflicted inferiority I feel when cooking something that is not “pin-worthy.” Spaghetti is still delicious, even if everyone can make it herunterladen!

01. August 2012 by Sarah
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