Happy Christmas to all our family and friends!

Wes and Sarah with Tina the Llama
All of you know the big thing that happened in our life this year, GETTING MARRIED download hallelujah for free! This letter is more about the smaller things in our life since then. (But you can see our wedding pictures at wesandsarah.com/wedding)
Wes is still working at Edge Media download free word version. This summer they wrapped up the editing and production of an English as a Foreign Language production titled Backpack that will be used with textbooks that will teach children in South America and Korea to speak English windows xp service pack 3 nederlands for free. Lately, he has been designing web sites. You can see the one he designed for his work www.edgesc.com.
Sarah is working for a marketing company called Mass Media Marketing windows explorer for free. She is the assistant to the owner and also does some “graphic design” for them on the side. She enjoys the work and finds it VERY challenging. Making clients happy can be stressful at times, but she has learned so much in the 4 months she has been working there download todo.
We have also been working hard on the house. We really have done a lot to the guest bedrooms and the kitchen. We are also hoping to finish reupholstering a couch pretty soon kostenlos desktop hintergrund winter download. And then there’s the raking… it seems like it will NEVER end.
Finally, we are lucky to be involved with a church plant in downtown Augusta called The Well wildlife park 1 free full version. Wes is helping do the media aspects and I am helping with community groups and events. Please be in prayer for us as we begin this journey with our launch in February elster to! www.thewellaugusta.org
That’s about it for our Christmas letter. If you are wondering about the picture, we didn’t have a pet of our own, so we borrowed Tina from our friend, Napoleon Dynamite wetransfer downloaden kostenlos.
Wes, Sarah and Tina
p.s herunterladen. We’re going to try to keep in touch a little better this year by keeping a blog… kind of an online journal of words and pictures. Check in with us at: www.wesandsarah.com

21. December 2004 by Wes
Categories: General News | 3 comments